Strength Exercise 6 - Arm Curl

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Always stretch before and after your exercise to prevent injury and to increase flexibility.

Stand with arms down at sides holding dumbbells, palms facing thighs. Keeping elbows gently pressed against sides, rotate and raise only forearms, palms now facing up. Dumbbells should move up to front of shoulders in one smooth motion. Pause, then lower arms, rotating forearms to starting position.

Strength Exercise 5 - Seated Fly

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Consider your fitness history and start out realistically. Take into account your personal goals and your lifestyle. Keep in mind that people with written goals are 50 per cent more likely to achieve them.

Sit forward in chair. With upper arms against sides, grasp one dumbbell in each hand, palms facing thighs. With elbows slightly bent, lift upper arms straight out to shoulder height. At end of lift, upper arms and forearms will be parallel to floor. Pause. Lower arms.

Strength Exercise 4 - Calf Raise

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Weight training (aka resistance training) is a must if you want to lose weight and keep it off.

Stand with fingertips resting lightly on the back of a sturdy chair. Raise up as high as you can on balls of feet. Hold for three seconds. Lower heels to starting position.

Strength Exercise 3 - Bent-over Row

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In addition to its less visible health benefits like increased vitality, improved mood, increased strength, improved sleep, better balance and flexibility, strength training is the most effective way to reshape your body.

Sit forward in chair. Let arms hang down at sides, palms facing in, a dumbbell in each hand. Contract abdominal muscles for stability. Bend slightly forward at the waist, back straight. With elbows bent and wrists straight, pull both dumbbells straightup as high as you can. Pause. Lower to starting position.