Keep Your Mouth Healthy

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Oral disease can seriously affect your overall health and can also cause huge oral pain and discomfort.

A mouth under systematic attack with oral infection can make some of the basic things in life such as eating, drinking, talking even breathing difficult.

If your gums bleed or you have problems with your teeth, don't ignore the problem. If you do, you could put your health at serious risk. Periodontal disease, if left untreated, can result in the inflammatory destruction of gum tissue and bone. The infection from your mouth can travel through your blood stream thereby increasing your chances of other diseases. It is documented within health care community that oral disease can increase chances of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, respiratory and many more.

Make sure your dentist or dental hygienist know your medical history before any work is done in your mouth. The last thing you need after surgery is bacteria in your blood stream. So, if you have to do dental work ask your doctor for opinion. Most doctor will advise their patients about proper medication for pending dental work. Every treatment plan should be individually tailored.

Did you know that smoking is one of the primary causes of periodontal disease? The risk for smokers developing gum disease is more than twice that of nonsmokers.

Keep in mind that the first thing people see is your teeth. If they are bad or you have poor oral hygiene, people will make judgments and categorize you.

A proper dental care program at home combined with regular appointments to monitor your teeth and gums will have positive results on your health and overall well being.