Strength Exercise 2

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Never make weight loss to be your only workout goal. What your scale says is not the most important number where fitness is concerned. Instead, focus on your performance, body composition (like fat percentage), body circumference measurements, and fitting of your clothes to measure progress.

Standing, hold a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder level, parallel to floor, palms forward. If you have shoulder problems, turn palms and weights to face each other. Extend arms over head, then lower to original position.

Strength Exercise 1 - Variation 2

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Unlike other programs, strength training doesn't need expensive equipment, clothing or gym membership. The only things you need are sturdy chair, athletic shoes and dumbbells.

Stand in front of chair, toes turned out slightly. Extend arms straight out in front. Keeping back straight and knees above ankles, bend at hips and lower yourself into chair. Pause, then raise back to starting position.

Strength Exercise 1 - Variation 1

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If you have not exercised in a while, start slowly. During exercise, you want to challenge yourself, but not push to the point of harm.

Sit on edge of chair, cross arms over chest. Keeping back straight, lean forward slightly and stand.

Pause, return to seated position.

Strength Training

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Getting fit, loosing weight and reshaping our body are among the most common resolutions. It's also one of the toughest to keep, because we all have unrealistic expectations. Great news is that with easy strength exercises we recommend here, it may work out for you. Pick up a sensible goal and try to reshape your body with strength training for better composition.

A friend of mine who was always struggling with weight and tummy fat, trimmed up and reshaped her body nicely (two sizes down). After over 3 months of lock down, we were all pleasantly surprised to see her looking amazing. Everybody wanted to know what is her secret and how much she spent on personal trainer and special diet.