Travel Articles

Travel - there's no experience like it! Discovering and exploring all different parts of the world - high up in the mountains, down south in the seas - can be exciting and a great way to spend leisure time. What will you do on your next vacation? Read our travel articles for some interesting ideas.

sea spell image

"The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever." ~ Jacques Yves Cousteau

"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened." ~ Dr. Seuss

:: It's Good to Know ::

CREDIT CARD - Before you leave call your credit card company and let them know where you're headed and what kind of purchases you'll be making outside your normal spending pattern. This ensures they know your credit card hasn't been stolen, so they won't potentially freeze your account while they investigate.

ANTIBIOTICS - In some parts of Europe and Latin America you can get antibiotics from pharmacist. To avoid language barrier or miscommunication, ask for drugs (both prescription or over the counter) by their ingredient names, not their brand names. For example drugs for upper respiratory infections: Amoxicillin is known as Amoxil, or Erythromycin is known as E-mycin. The World Health Organization advises against this in underdeveloped countries, since drugs there may be inferior or even placebos.

CAR RENTALS - You probably don't think twice about what car you'll get when you rent in the States or Canada, because agencies almost always offer automatics. If you're going to Europe, it is another story and it pays to drive a stick, because an automatic transmission can cost much more. There's only a small market for automatics. Ask your car-rental agent about price before you rent. Also when renting a vehicle in a foreign country, always ask for an extra set of keys - or have a set made. Read more...

BLISTERS - If blisters are keeping you from hitting another attraction you didn't want to miss, relief may be as close as the hotel mini bar. Compresses made from tea bags or milk can help ease blister pain and swelling. Just saturate a washcloth with cool milk or chilled steeped tea bag and apply directly on a blister for 15 minutes. Milk's proteins help speed healing, and the tannins in the teas help shrink swollen tissue. They can also soothe your sunburn or insect bites.

"He who does not travel, who does not read, who does not listen to music, who does not find grace in himself, she who does not find grace in herself, dies slowly."

~ Pablo Neruda