Strength Exercise 2

Never make weight loss to be your only workout goal. What your scale says is not the most important number where fitness is concerned. Instead, focus on your performance, body composition (like fat percentage), body circumference measurements, and fitting of your clothes to measure progress.

Overhead Press
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Standing, hold a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder level, parallel to floor, palms forward. If you have shoulder problems, turn palms and weights to face each other. Extend arms over head, then lower to original position.

For each of the exercises, do two sets. Feet should always be shoulder-width apart and flat on the floor to start. Rest minute or so between the sets.

Note: Try to to do 50 per cent of what you think you are physically capable of doing at the beginning and slowly progress. Then you won't hate it, you won't feel sore, and that will increase the likelihood that you'll stay consistent.

Warning: Consult your health care provider before beginning any strength training program, particularly if you have some health issues or if you have experienced back, knee, elbow or shoulder pain.

Strength Exercises: