Gravelly Soil

Gravelly soil is generally less desirable than either of the others. It has the bad qualities of sandy soil and not the good ones of clay, besides being poorer in plant food.

Calcareous soils, or limestone pebble soils are an exception, but they are not widely encountered. They are not suited for garden work, as tillage harms rather than helps them.

NOTE: There is growing realisation in the farming world that soil has a natural structure which can be damaged by tillage. A relatively undisturbed structure is more efficient in its use of nutrients and in its ability to encourage microbial activity and hence the breakdown of organic matter. Various systems have been developed to protect the soil's structure and to assist in restoring this inherent asset.


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Did You Know?

Soil disturbance can be the result of physical, chemical or biological activities. Physical soil disturbance, such as tillage, results in bare and/or compacted soil that is destructive and disruptive to soil microbes, and it creates a hostile environment for them to live. Misapplication of farm inputs can disrupt the symbiotic relationships between fungi, other microorganisms, and plant roots. Overgrazing, a form of biological disturbance, reduces root mass, increases runoff, and increases soil temperature. All forms of soil disturbance diminish habitat for soil microbes and result in a diminished soil food web.

"The greatest fine art of the future will be the making of a
comfortable living from a small piece of land." ~ Abraham Lincoln

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"Failing to prepare is preparing to fail." ~ John Wooden