Refocus on You

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Now that holidays are over and the new year is in front of you, it's only natural to start thinking about doing things differently from the way you've done them in the past. After a full month of being constantly on the go, this is the perfect time to refocus on you. Everything you set your sights on doing in the coming year should have a built-in measure of pleasure, and that will help you stay on track without struggle.

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." ~ Mark Twain
Here are some great ideas to build new habits guaranteed to nourish your body, mind and soul:


Discover your purpose and core values. Values are not morals and there is no right or wrong, they are feelings and activities that resonate with you. If you are not aligned with your values, you are not living with purpose, so discover and let your core values guide you. If you put your values into practice you will live with purpose and enjoy longer, happier life.


Assent to the reality of a situation and accept what can't be changed. Learn to let go of what you can't control. Keep in mind that our expectations are the main reason for unhappiness.

Hear Your Spirit

Try meditation, prayer, daydreaming, quiet time or anything that will help you to hear your spirit and the deeper voice inside you. That will help you to enhance and enjoy your life. People who don't use their mind correctly or if they are disconnected from their spirit, have destructive actions and/or manifestations.

Know What You Want

Learn how to respectfully say no. Don't let your pace of life to wear you down. Stop wasting time and energy on things you don't want to do and start doing things you want to do. When you focus on pleasure in your life you invest in real life value, happiness, and joy. You will also bring into your life more good things and positive emotions that money can't buy.

Enjoy Music

Start your day with your favorite music and benefit from music's therapeutic qualities proven to reduce stress, stimulate memory, and invigorate you.


Make dance part of your daily life. Play music you like and music that makes you move and let go. Do a little dance when you are making meals or cleaning and feel good about yourself. There is no right or wrong way to dance, only your way. So, feel great and create dance that express your feelings, just be true to yourself.


Give hugs, kisses, and pats on the back to those you care about, because touch is a powerful healer that can strengthen immune system, reduce stress, and decrease blood pressure.


Boost your level of happiness and remember that happiness comes within, not from getting everything you want. Happiness is more than instant gratification or material value. Enjoy little things in life, they cumulatively contribute to an overall feeling of happiness. Be kind to others, give thanks, help others, give to a good cause, volunteer your time and appreciate what you have.

Improve Relationships

Enrich all your relationships and improve communication with your nearest and dearest. All relationships require realistic expectations, healthy communication, good understanding, love and respect, and clear boundaries. Show respect and support for the other person's point of view and feelings. Pay attention, listen carefully and make sure you have clear understanding before continuing with the discussion. Paraphrasing or repeating back in your own words what you heard is good way to clear understanding. Always try to be specific and gracious in asking what you want and refrain from demands. Refrain from making demands because they can create resistance and problems.

Boost Your Health

Maintain your body with a balanced healthy diet. Everything in moderation is a key to moving forward. Also don't forget that activity is important. People who are physically active enjoy better health and live longer.


Cherish your connection with life in all of its forms. Get outside as much as you can. Sit or walk quietly in natural settings, respecting and welcoming wild creatures into your presence. Open your feelings and appreciate the gifts of Mother Earth and living. Breathe in and exhale deeply; take time to notice your breading, feel the harmony of all of life and recharge your energy. Be aware and try to stay tuned in to the present moment for as long as you can to gain clarity.


Get hooked on a hobby. Taking time for yourself and creative self expression - even as little as one or two hours a week- can help you externalize your feelings and thoughts, reduce stress, decrease anxiety and help you feel more balanced.

Whether you sign up for art or creative writing class or any other hobby you adore, you will be glad you did. It will increase your sense of community, improve your mood and self-esteem, elevate your cognitive functioning, improve your well being and quality of life, and boost your brain power.