Top 10 Reasons to Use Rain Barrel

Always use rain barrel to collect rainwater for your gardens and lawns. Rainwater collection will reduce utility costs and your environmental footprint. Below are top 10 reasons to use a rain barrel for your garden and lawns.

Top 10 Reasons:

1. Rainwater is free, saving you money on your water bill.

2. You can water with rainwater at any time, regardless of watering restrictions.

3. If you want to grow healthy and lush plants, rainwater is preferred. It is loaded with oxygen and nutrients.

4. Rainwater contains good bacteria and microorganisms that the soil needs to keep plants healthy.

5. Rain barrels will help you to control moisture levels around building foundations.

6. Rain barrels are mosquito resistant.

7. Rain barrels are child-proof.

8. Most common rain barrels are partially made of recycled plastic.

9. Rain barrels protect our rivers and streams from runoff pollution by diverting water from storm sewers.

10. Rainwater doesn't have the salt and chemicals found in regular tap water, making it perfect for filling a bird bath or washing your car.

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Note: Using water more efficiently in the garden is important as summers become increasingly hot and dry and particularly when water restrictions are in place.

"Where nature is allowed to operate without human intervention, each place develops a stable level of biomass that is inevitably the highest amount of organic life that site could support." ~ Steve Solomon

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