Support Environment: Localize the Problem and Take Action Now!

This web site is such an alarm call to all people around the world to protect environment and end this urgent and real threat against the Earth for the welfare and happiness of our own generation and for all future generations. We have to find a way to work together and the responsibility to act NOW.

Start the campaign for the preservation of Nature against the selfishness, the ignorance, or the cruelty of her destroyers for the sake of our and their future. The facts and figures set forth on this web site will astonish all those lovers of Nature and friends of the Earth who are living in a false or imaginary sense of security.

It is very strange that those who would accept the general facts of universal natural resources do not perceive that they are taking away the ground from under the feet of the natural environment.

Fortunately the tide of hiding the truth is ebbing, and we can only hope that the tide of new momentum with power strong enough to enforce conservation is coming in. We know that most people are practical, they love money and will sacrifice much for it, but they are also full of idealism, as well as of moral and spiritual energy. We need to connect together all our best forces into human power for the protection of our beloved Earth. Protect environment... >>>

Don't Waist Another Minute - Help Now!

On this site you will find information that will help you make environmentally sound decisions in your role as a responsible citizen, teacher, student, business person, community or government leader. Conservation movement is becoming part of our daily routine and should grow stronger every day. We are far behind in the preservation of our vanishing world. Don't waist another minute, help NOW.

The lack of attention to what is already known about devastating global warming implies that the biggest challenges are first the dissemination of existing knowledge, the ignorance of the big decision makers, the slow production of new ideas and research, lack of preparedness in all levels of governments to make and enforce new laws, and no standard guidelines to prepare citizens for their new obligations. Global warming and negative impact on environment can be avoided without excessive economic cost but the world must begin acting immediately. Confronting climate change... >>>

This web site is global in its vision and influence, but local in application. Since we think that it is unwise to put tight clothes on a growing child, this web site is not going to have any limitations in size or number of environmental issues we can discuss here. Protecting environment means protecting everything around us. If you have any tips or articles that are connected to the environmental issue, please fill free to contact us any time. Find out more... >>>

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Recycling & Environmental Benefits

Recycling has inherent environmental benefits. Using recyclables or recovered materials as a substitute for virgin feedstocks conserves energy used for manufacturing and lessens the environmental impacts associated with extraction and harvesting of raw materials. Recycling industry means good jobs for workers, and those jobs stimulate both local and regional economies. Recycling encourages major capital investments and also supports government through tax revenues and fees. Support all recycling programs you can! Participate... >>>

"If man can take care of man, nature can take care of the rest." ~ Edwin Way Teale

Environment Articles

Air Pollution
Brain Fog: Does Air Pollution Make Us Less Productive?

The regulation of air pollution has reduced its toll on heart and lung diseases. For example, the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 helped avert an estimated 160,000 deaths and 86,000 hospitalizations in 2010 alone. However, a growing body of research suggests that polluted air also puts our brain in harm’s way.

climate change
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Since its inception the IPCC has produced a series of comprehensive Assessment Reports on the state of understanding of causes of climate change, its potential impacts and options for response strategies. It prepared also Special Reports, Technical Papers, methodologies and guidelines.

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How Video Games Can Deliver for People and the Environment

Video games are no longer just kids’ stuff, and video games have already made real impact for the Sustainable Development Goals and the urgent global needs they represent. This assessment summarizes recent, relevant, global developments in the video games sector, perspectives from over 50 thought leaders...

"For many substances, the ability of nature to deal with pollution has been exceeded." ~ Thomas Sterner

What You Should Know

Significant harm from climate change is already occurring, and further damages are a certainty. The challenge now is to keep climate change from becoming a catastrophe.

The oil, gas, coal, and mining industries stand to lose tremendously if the facts and truth about global warming becomes accepted by world's society.

Transport is considered as one of the the largest sources of air pollution emissions today.

Coastal temperate rainforests once covered 1% of the Earth. Less then half now remains.

Global climate change, driven largely by the combustion of fossil fuels and by deforestation, is a growing threat to human well-being in developing and industrialized nations alike.

Out of the original 1.9 million acres of redwood forest only 106,000 acres of old-growth forest are standing, less than 5% remain.

It is very important to understand the impacts of 1.5°C global warming above pre-industrial levels and related global emission pathways in the context of strengthening the response to the threat of climate change, sustainable development and efforts to eradicate poverty.

Two starkly different futures diverge from this time forward. Society's current path leads to increasingly serious climate-change impacts, including potentially catastrophic changes in climate that will compromise efforts to achieve development objectives where there is poverty and will threaten standards of living where there is affluence.