Learn About Environment

The Earth's surface is the most important index of our physical existance, social and political evolution. The rise and decline, not only of peoples, but of whole civilizations have depended upon their relations to Earth and their local area.

The physical environment of a people consists of all the natural conditions to which they have been subjected, not merely a part. The slight and slow variation of the sub-race under changing conditions of food and climate is beyond doubt. Many times environment modifies the physique of a people indirectly by imposing upon them certain predominant activities, which may develop one part of the body almost to the point of deformity. Our relations to our environment are infinitely more numerous and complex than those of the most highly organized plants or animals. We have been so noisy about the way we conquered Nature, and Nature has been so silent about group or individual persistent bad influences over our own habitat, that the environmental factor in the equation of future. Read more...

Significant harm from climate change is already occurring, and further damages are a certainty. The challenge now is to keep climate change from becoming a catastrophe. Will the people leave their confy chairs and come out to the front-line?

"The general idea of "taxing bads" may be accepted in the abstract, but when it comes to fuel (or electricity for that matter), the support tends to evaporate." ~ Thomas Sterner

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Launched in 2006, OARE is managed by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in partnership with Yale University and more than 60 publishers. 3000 institutions are now registered for access to these journals which can be searched through a number of abstracting and indexing databases. OARE provides access to more than 11,500 scientific journals covering a wide range of disciplines contributing to our understanding of the natural environment, including environmental toxicology and pollution, zoology, botany, geology, climatology, geography, environmental economics, environmental law and policy, environmental biotechnology, energy, and many other disciplines.


Launched in 2003, AGORA (Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture) is managed by the Food and Agriculture Organization in partnership with Cornell University and over 65 publishers.Over 3100 institutions have registered for access to AGORA which provides access to over 13,000 high quality international journals covering agriculture, fisheries, food, nutrition, veterinary science and related biological, environmental and social sciences. The journal can be searched using a special subset of CAB Abstracts.


Launched in 2018, GOALI is a new programme that provides free or low cost online access and training to law and law-related content. GOALI is coordinated by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and its partners, Brill Nijhoff, as founding publisher and initiator of the programme, the International Training Centre of the ILO, Lillian Goldman Law Library at Yale Law School and the Cornell Law School Library as academic partners. The aim of GOALI is to improve the quality of legal research, education and training in low-income and middle-income countries, and in turn strengthen legal frameworks and institutions and further the rule of law.


Launched in 2002, HINARI (Health Inter Network Access to Research Initiative) is managed by the World Health Organization in partnership with Yale University Library and over 160 global publishers. 6200 institutions in over 100 countries have already registered for access to Health Inter Network Access to Research Initiative, which provides access to up to 14,900 peer-reviewed journals covering medicine,nursing and related health and social sciences. It also includes many databases, indexes and reference books, as well as journals in several languages. The journals can be searched through a special and easy-touse version of PubMed (Medline).


Launched in 2009, ARDI is coordinated by the World Intellectual Property Organization. The aim of ARDI is to promote the integration of developing and least developed countries into the global knowledge economy. ARDI provides access to up to 7,300 journals and up to 22,000 e-books in diverse fields of science and technology. ARDI program seeks to support researchers in developing countries in creating and developing new solutions to technical challenges faced on a local and global level.


AIARD (Association for International Agriculture and Rural Development) is an association of U.S. and internationally-based members who have devoted their careers to global agricultural development and hunger alleviation. AIARD members are development professionals from universities, non-governmental organizations, private sector firms, consulting companies, government and donor agencies, and foundations. The association represents the extensive disciplinary base of agricultural and related social science skills necessary to carry out global agricultural development and hunger alleviation programs.

"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." ~ Theodore Roosevelt

"Today is a most unusual day, because we have never lived it before; we will never live it again; it is the only day we have."

William Arthur Ward

American writer

"The man who has no inner life is the slave of his surroundings."

Henri Frédéric Amiel

Swiss moral philosopher, poet, and critic


Environment Articles

Air Pollution
Brain Fog: Does Air Pollution Make Us Less Productive?

The regulation of air pollution has reduced its toll on heart and lung diseases. For example, the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 helped avert an estimated 160,000 deaths and 86,000 hospitalizations in 2010 alone. However, a growing body of research suggests that polluted air also puts our brain in harm’s way.

great lakes
The Great Lakes

The Great Lakes are a group of five large lakes (Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario) in North America on or near the Canada-United States border. They are the largest group of fresh water lakes in the world. They also have an effect on weather in the region, known as lake effect. The combined surface area of the lakes is 94,250 square miles or 244,100 km²

gamers proportion image
How Video Games Can Deliver for People and the Environment

Video games are no longer just kids’ stuff, and video games have already made real impact for the Sustainable Development Goals and the urgent global needs they represent. This assessment summarizes recent, relevant, global developments in the video games sector, perspectives from over 50 thought leaders...

Thinking about saving energy?