Boost Your Family's Laughter Quotient

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Ability to share feelings, joy, fulfillment and laughter can be a common bond among people. All mentioned is also important part of your spiritual, intellectual and emotional wellness.

If you are looking for some fun ways to boost your family's laughter quotient or you want to have fun night with your friends take a look at our ideas. They will lift mood without braking the budget. Here are five activities guaranteed to send giggle-o-meters right of the scale.

Homegrown Comedy Fest

You don't need to spend a small fortune traveling to a big name comedy festival, you can have a lot of fun organizing your own homegrown event. Start by planning your program. Decide whether your comedy festival is going to feature stand-up, funny skits, joke-telling contest or a combination of everything. Include kids and other family members into planning and ask for their help with preparations. Establish a funny dress code for your event and encourage everyone to wear fake plastic noses, mustaches, wigs or other funny things. The goofier everyone looks, the easier it will be to get into spirit of things. Finally, be sure to take tons of pictures for funny memories time.

Writting Your Own Comic Novel

All you need to get started is totally wacky premise for a story, for instance, travel to a mysterious land with aliens or some other strange figures kidnapping your group. Make up form of greetings, dialogues, jokes, questions, or have the mysterious creatures talk about their life. Write your novel in a notebook or on the computer with each family member taking turns writing a sentence, a paragraph or a page, whatever his or her writing abilities allow. When your novel is finished, read it around the dinner table from start to finish. We promise, it will be a lot of giggles and fun.

Organize Karaoke Night

Come on, this is your chance to strut your stuff in front of family and friends. Appoint someone to be master of ceremonies and make sure that everyone who takes their turn at the mike walks away with some sort of prize. Create a homemade ribbon or trophy, preferably funny one for the occasion. If you don't have karaoke machine you can rent one from your local party supply store or borrow from friends or family.

Cooking Up Fan

Organize cooking contest with funny food decorations; organize potluck dinner with recipe exchange; write family cookbook with wacky new name for the each recipe provided; organize food contest for the funniest sandwich or cake. Have a funny trophy for the winner of the food contest.

Funny Relay Race Game

Most relay race games are great fun. Make this game special and funny. You can divide family members and friends in two groups. Ask males to wear high heals and run with some funny tasks. On the signal, the first player for each team starts at the starting line, then when task is done, the next player follows etc. The race is over when one of the teams is done with the task. Have some funny awards for the winning and loosing team.