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Geranium Reichardi

Geranium Reichardi
Geranium Reichardi or Dwarf Geranium is plant from Monadelphia Decandria family. This species of Geranium, so strikingly different from all others cultivated in our gardens, has been known under the name of Reichardi, a French gentleman, who first discovered it in the island of Minorca, and introduced it into the gardens of France.

Many of the Geraniums, as having only five anthers, though several of those he thus describes have to our certain knowledge ten, the five lowermost of which shedding their pollen first, often drop off, and leave the filaments apparently barren: but in this species (with us at least) there never are more than five, but between each stamen, there is a broad pointed barren filament or squamula, scarcely to be distinguished by the naked eye.

The usual and best practice is to make a green-house plant of this species, though it has been known to remain in the open ground, during a mild winter, unhurt.

It continues to have a succession of blossoms during the greatest part of the summer, and may be propagated either by seed or parting its roots.

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